Keep on knitting, knitting, knitting....

In Finding Nemo, Dori sings "Keep on swimming, swimming, swimming" Anyway, I'm a little over half way through the afghan now. You can see the color differences I talked about. At first I thought it was my mistake but it's not. I'm hoping it will even out when I wash it and it isn't this noticeable in person. I may add some Rit color remover a second wash if it ends up worse.
It is raining here in California and I have the flu bug that is going around our community. Because of that and the fact that the LOST premiere is on tonight I started a Tomten jacket for Esther (Garter stitch) from the leftover wool used for various fuzzy feet and hats. That way if it's to hard to pay attention to the plot and remember what happened last season (ages ago) I'll have something simple to work on.
That's going to be a beautiful afghan no matter how the color issues work out. I agree with you on Lost: I've got no idea what's going on.
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