Glasses, Dogs and More

Spooky Sparky Maddy and Bentley enjoying a summer evening

Reading Glasses---ARGH! Check out the cool chain I made for them though!

I'm sitting here getting ready to work on quicken. WHY does the Macy's bill smell like perfume? It is driving me insane! They had a super special open an account deal about a month ago. The smell of the bill alone is motivation to pay the whole thing off, cut up the card and never use it again. This is the only store card I've had in YEARS because I got suckered into a deal at the store about a month ago.
I'm not doing as well on my getting to bed by 10:30 and not eating 2 hours before that point. This week Hubby is working VERY long hours and to top it off little Es was sick to her stomach last evening. Poor kiddo!
I'm crocheting away on the purse and have started a Frontier hat for Esther. Note the link in the sidebar to "Finished Objects." I started with this month, not sure if I'll go back and add projects. It looks so sad with just one thing! Maybe I should try and catch up from when I first started blogging. I was just thinking I could do a little page of the pups too. I keep forgetting that all these things take time.
Oh, those dogs look so happy. Mine are melting in the heat, the old guy especially. He refused to go for a walk today for the first time in his life.
I got that castle cake pan at Williams Sonoma, but it is made by Nordicware, so I bet you can get it other places, too!
Rosario Dawson and Her Mother of Invention
There are two things in New York that seem to attract a pallid, scuzzy star allure I just cannot rationalize: D-list celebrity parents and the East Village.
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