Oh Bugs!
Oh Bugs is what I say instead of swearing. I try not to swear, but every once in a while a few fly from my mouth, usually while I'm driving.
Anyway, I forgot to take pictures of the pile o' fuzzy feet! There were 11 pair all together, 9 left to give out. They are just in gift bags but it's pretty dark and gloomy to get a picture and I don't want to pull them all out. I was going to put a picture of our tree up but It's still in the camera. I'm a bit lazy at the moment so I'll show you one of my favorite pictures. This is my first day of school Kingergarten. It's a scanned Polaroid so some of the detail is gone, but do you wonder WHY my little brother is so HAPPY his sister is leaving? He says it's because he wanted his picture taken with me.

I took Sparky to the Vet today. Nothing definite was determined but we have a plan. After talking we think I may have been interfering with Sparky and Maddy figuring out who is top dog and escalating things (Sparky is topdog). Sparky does have a bit of arthritis in his back knee and has lost a LOT of weight in the last year. About 12-15 lbs. So there is some concern there, I'll watch him for other indications something health wise is going on. He's actually at a good weight and since Maddy has been here in April the dogs get more activity playing instead of an incosistant schedule of short walks. I'm going to work on not interfering with the Hierarchy they are trying to figure out and support it by feeding Spark first, give him attention first, etc. I'll also make sure their aren't bottle necks where they come in and out of the house to avoid bumping and jostling each other around. All three dogs will sit and wait on command so I'll let them out one at a time (Spark first). If that doesn't improve things I'll consider Prozac (for Sparky). Funny how I should know all this but never have really had to think about practicing it. I was feeding Maddy first out of convenience, paying attention to whoever got to me first....just things we as humans wouldn't think about.
Knitting wise, I'm making matching Fuzzy Feet for Esther and I in Patons classic Merino a turquoise blue. I've also added Bernat Disco in aqua as trim at the top. Then I'm hoping to finish up a few projects before the FLAK KAl and Selfish KAL. I'm awful 'cause now the deadlines are gone I've been slackin'
Anyway, I forgot to take pictures of the pile o' fuzzy feet! There were 11 pair all together, 9 left to give out. They are just in gift bags but it's pretty dark and gloomy to get a picture and I don't want to pull them all out. I was going to put a picture of our tree up but It's still in the camera. I'm a bit lazy at the moment so I'll show you one of my favorite pictures. This is my first day of school Kingergarten. It's a scanned Polaroid so some of the detail is gone, but do you wonder WHY my little brother is so HAPPY his sister is leaving? He says it's because he wanted his picture taken with me.

I took Sparky to the Vet today. Nothing definite was determined but we have a plan. After talking we think I may have been interfering with Sparky and Maddy figuring out who is top dog and escalating things (Sparky is topdog). Sparky does have a bit of arthritis in his back knee and has lost a LOT of weight in the last year. About 12-15 lbs. So there is some concern there, I'll watch him for other indications something health wise is going on. He's actually at a good weight and since Maddy has been here in April the dogs get more activity playing instead of an incosistant schedule of short walks. I'm going to work on not interfering with the Hierarchy they are trying to figure out and support it by feeding Spark first, give him attention first, etc. I'll also make sure their aren't bottle necks where they come in and out of the house to avoid bumping and jostling each other around. All three dogs will sit and wait on command so I'll let them out one at a time (Spark first). If that doesn't improve things I'll consider Prozac (for Sparky). Funny how I should know all this but never have really had to think about practicing it. I was feeding Maddy first out of convenience, paying attention to whoever got to me first....just things we as humans wouldn't think about.
Knitting wise, I'm making matching Fuzzy Feet for Esther and I in Patons classic Merino a turquoise blue. I've also added Bernat Disco in aqua as trim at the top. Then I'm hoping to finish up a few projects before the FLAK KAl and Selfish KAL. I'm awful 'cause now the deadlines are gone I've been slackin'
Plans are always a great thing to have, it makes one feel like they have control over a situation, or at least an idea of what to do. I'm glad you found some resolution, hopefully it will work well.
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