Coming up for Air!
Some things shouldn't be as hard as I make them out to be in my mind. I had the first days of classes Tuesday and Today. Classes for Music Together. It's so much fun! I did make more mistakes out of nervousness than I should have, but hopefully the parents will either forgive that or not notice. The class was small yesterday and will hopefully be combined to make two classes on Wednesdays. The person I work for is so supportive so it makes it much easier.
My family, friends, Esther and Music Together have been bright points in life lately. I've been very sad about what has happened on the Gulf Coast. One moment I'm crying because someone has acted out of kindness or I'm crying tears of anger and frustration because more isn't being done and feel I should do more. This tragedy seems to be more far reaching. I'm sure there are so many of us who feel the same way. It even touched Sesame Street this week when Big Bird and Oscar had to stay with Bob and another character when a hurricane hit Sesame Street. Esther kept asking me why people's homes got hurt because of the hurricane.
I think what has made this harder for me is not having Sally. It may sound silly to some, but to her dieing day she had such compassion for others. If you were sad or hurt she was There for you. The last time she comforted me was during the Horrible fires in Southern CA. One of my sister-in-laws was dieing of pancreatic cancer at the time AND her house had burned down. I woke up the next day and was so upset (sad and mad). Sally came up to me, and tried to get me to play and was kissing me. She was so sick, I knew this took all she had. So you can imagine how I've been when I hear stories regarding animal rescue. I know they have to come second to human suffering. I still cry thinking someone may have lost a "Sally" just when they need it most. So anyway, that is where I've been. We are doing as much as we can and will continue to do so. Whether people like it or not, this will have some affect on everyone in the U.S. Considering everything, I'm are so blessed and can afford what end up being small sacrifices to help people who have lost so much.
On The knitting front I'm plugging away on the Lopi "24" sweater. I need to work on the Guansey for Steven and I have started a new project, Highly Textured Vest in the Bernat BlarneySpun I have in my stash. The Pattern is really nice and interesting, knits and purls, so fairly quick.
My family, friends, Esther and Music Together have been bright points in life lately. I've been very sad about what has happened on the Gulf Coast. One moment I'm crying because someone has acted out of kindness or I'm crying tears of anger and frustration because more isn't being done and feel I should do more. This tragedy seems to be more far reaching. I'm sure there are so many of us who feel the same way. It even touched Sesame Street this week when Big Bird and Oscar had to stay with Bob and another character when a hurricane hit Sesame Street. Esther kept asking me why people's homes got hurt because of the hurricane.
I think what has made this harder for me is not having Sally. It may sound silly to some, but to her dieing day she had such compassion for others. If you were sad or hurt she was There for you. The last time she comforted me was during the Horrible fires in Southern CA. One of my sister-in-laws was dieing of pancreatic cancer at the time AND her house had burned down. I woke up the next day and was so upset (sad and mad). Sally came up to me, and tried to get me to play and was kissing me. She was so sick, I knew this took all she had. So you can imagine how I've been when I hear stories regarding animal rescue. I know they have to come second to human suffering. I still cry thinking someone may have lost a "Sally" just when they need it most. So anyway, that is where I've been. We are doing as much as we can and will continue to do so. Whether people like it or not, this will have some affect on everyone in the U.S. Considering everything, I'm are so blessed and can afford what end up being small sacrifices to help people who have lost so much.
On The knitting front I'm plugging away on the Lopi "24" sweater. I need to work on the Guansey for Steven and I have started a new project, Highly Textured Vest in the Bernat BlarneySpun I have in my stash. The Pattern is really nice and interesting, knits and purls, so fairly quick.

Recent events really have made us count our blessings. Love the vest.
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