What an Honor!

Thanks go to everyone who supported me, both family and friends here and those who left comments on my blog. Thank you for Stephanie for thinking of and putting into place such a fun event. Thank you to those who helped her with what must have been a (cyber)paperwork nightmare. There were wonderful creative buttons made, yahoo groups formed, flicker maps created and probably things I was unaware of. Thanks to these people who used their creativity to support the event. I'd also like to thank all the other participants, and those who watched and cheered us on! I'll miss seeing updates on blogs regarding the olympics and marveling at the various wonderful projects.

Wasn't it fun? I'm glad it's over, but it was fun to see so many folks taking part.
I bet next time Stephanie will think twice before she suggests something *laugh*
It WAS fun, wasn't it??
And, yeah, I bet Stephanie's a little relieved it's all over (grin).
congrats tori - I hope you get lots of endorsement contracts now! :) Wouldn't that be great if the yarn companies did that?
Congrats on winning gold, you so deserve it!
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