Baby Surprise Jacket and some moaning (sorry!)

I started a Pink Baby Surprise Jacket (Pattern by Elizabeth Zimmerman) for India. It seems that the only projects I've successfully completed have been for babies and children. So I put aside the Diamond Patch to work on this. There's a great website Here and a corresponding Yahoo group called Knitbabysurprise working on EZ patterns. Another amazing group of women who knit very fast. They donate a lot of their work to the Cheyenne River Indian Reservation. I'm going to add a collar or hood and some cuffs to this in white to set it off. Perfect use of garter stitch and just what I need right now, minimal thinking.
I'm letting life stress me out right now. I'm starting to worry about the Music Together Training. I feel like my voice isn't strong enough. My piano and guitar skills need some serious work and rejuvenation. A lot of work ahead, but once I can get in a groove I'm sure I'll be okay.
Warning: More ranting about my car ahead!
My stupid car! It's not completely the car's fault some of the problems stem with the people working on it. Of course even our local bleepin' dealership apparently doesn't have the proper tools to change the oil filter the start of my car's problems 3 months after I got it. The brake lights were out yesterday and fortunately a nice person let me know. I have a lot of problems with the exterior lights. Sometimes the bulb is out; most times it's an intermittent problem that is next to impossible to track down. Then I noticed the middle nice walnut burl panel where my a/c and stereo controls are has a piece broken and glued back in place. I'm sure this happened when the air conditioner was worked on about a month ago. The glue they used is now starting to fail and it looks REALLY BAD and I should check the buttons near the glue to see if they work.
To all of you who have the wonderful cars these VWs should be I'm glad and don't want to be too much of an anti-advertisement for VW. From comments I've received, most people LOVE their VWs and some are repeat buyers. I'm just disappointed I got one with bad karma with seemingly no good resolution to the situation. I can't think of the spice you burn to cleanse your dwelling of past negative energy. Anyway, maybe I should try it. Seriously it can't hurt!
Back to KNITTING! The Diamond Patch Sweater is going to be too big for me, just enough to look sloppy. I may restart or may finish it and give it to my sister in law. After the Baby Surprise I want to get back to the SCA. I don't mind that I won't be able to wear it for months. It may just take me that long to finish it. Than I can do the Diamond Patch for next summer. :-) I think that is how I should knit. Winter sweaters in the summer and summer patterns in the winter.

hello from a fellow raok member, and apparently a fellow bay area resident, too!
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