Flak Progress

I'm still on the front. I'm behind many of the people in the KAL but still active and really enjoy working on this sweater. It's also fun to see everyone's progress!
Guansey Progress

I'm at the armhole gusset shaping. Soon to split the front and back and continue working up.
Ribby ReStart

I'm 8 inches up working the fronts and back together. I decided to do the all over ribbing as I think it suits this yarn. (Lion Brand WoolEase variagated color Pines)
As Promised!

Picture of me modeling the Sweater I completed for the Olympics challenge.
Wow the Olympic sweater looks great, well as well as everything else!
Tori, you've been knitting up a storm! Everything looks great. I really love the color of the Guansey. Your hooded pullover picture is so cute. Great sweater and I'm totally jealous of your green grass.
The Olympics sweater came out so nice and looks great on you!
Very pretty! It looks really nice on you! Hugs!
The sweater looks fabulous!!!! You've got some nice looking projects going. Love your FLAK and that gansey is looking great!
Look at you go! And here I thought you forgot about all of us waiting to see a modeled pic of your sweater! It looks great on you! I'm excited to see all of your rogress. Keep on knitting! Take care!
WOW! CONGRATS IS AN ORDER FOR SURE!!! Gansey is lookign really good too!
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