Thursday, June 16, 2005
Wednesday, June 15, 2005
What? Rain! When!?!

Everybody playing in the backyard. Just in time too! I hear it may rain, leading me to believe something is really wrong with me. Apparently we moved from California. Maybe it was so traumatic for me that I'm suffering from some post tramatic syndrome. Notice the oh so stylish swim outfit Esther has on? I made it for her because we spend a lot of time in this little pool and at a local water park. Sun and wind protection.
Speaking of Tramatic.....Here is what I did for Sparky so far. Can't you just see the headline "Dog attacked by Flowbee" He doesn't seem to mind. I'm going to look for guards so I can cut more evenly. I don't want to cut right next to his skin, then I'd have to apply sunscreen or something.

Sunday, June 12, 2005
Stitch Marker Mania!

Anita of Now What Niter? is hosting Stitch Marker Mania. To join in the fun go Here. I posted the question how to make Stitch markers at the ROAK yahoo group and found the following links if anyone is interested:
Niter's method
Sheep in The City