Stitch Marker Mania!

Debbie sent me these wonderful Stitch Markers for the Stitch Marker exchange. The colors are SO vibrant! I love them! She also sent a cute card and the Body Spa Bath Soak. Thank you Debbie!

Clues, It's black, single crochet, measures 7 " by 27". There are more pieces and clues to come.
First person to correctly guess what it is will receive a set of 4 stitch markers! You can either leave a comment here or email me with your guess. Limit, one guess a day. :-)
UPDATE: Erin with the first guess was right! Manda and Mitchypoo, I'll try emailing you too, but send me your addresses, I'll get some stitch markers to you too!
Cindy, and Knitting Park has set up a knit a long called August Challenge. We are trying to set goals to complete two projects in August. Of course I didn't read the directions correctly and decided to do three. Below is a picture of my three. The blue is a Lopi Sweater, very quick as I'm doing it in the round. I messed up a bit on the sleeve so will need to rip back to the ribbing. Such a surprise that Diamond Patch (upper right) is in there! :-). The last is a crocheted project. I'm not going to reveal what it is yet, I may want to do a contest on my blog. I'll set that up tonight or tomorrow.
August 3
The Houseboat trip was a lot of fun and relaxing (except for the afternoon I spent motion sick, bleah). I was also amazed that in the midst of making mad dashes to the bathroom to puke, helpful family members and friends kept asking me if I wanted something to eat. At the 3rd mention of milk (shudder) I was off to the bathroom again. I really look like I could survive quite a few missed meals. I guess it's just wanting to help and not knowing what to do. They were also taking "care" of Esther and were concerned that she wasn't eating either. She did eat a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and I found out later the milk they were trying to give her was spoiled and that's why she refused it. (double shudder) After a visit to land and an adjustment (family of chiropractors). I felt much better. I was glad to be home on solid ground the next day. I did get a patch done for the diamond patch.
Yesterday I went to my doctor for a physical. He's such a good person and seems to really like what he does. He's very close my age, extremely good looking (were talking Brad Pitt good-looking) and he acts like a big brother, great caring advice with the right amount of teasing thrown in. His only concern is my weight and will have lab results later in the week. I just thought, "How sad, something I can totally control." I gotta get going on that. I'll have to post goals about health related weight here on my blog.
I need to work a bit on the music, get the technical stuff down and learn the new songs for September. So August is going to hopefully be a productive month. Take care all! Tori