There's that CRAZY LADY with the camera again!
Heard in my neighborhood
You know how they like the box the toy came in as much as the toy?
This is a box that Esther plays with quite a bit. I originally was going to paint it like a little house or "do" something with it. She enjoys it as is. I'd moved it onto the table to vacuum and forgot to put it back on the floor. This didn't stop her!
Knitting Progress One Fuzzy Foot down, One to go!
Flak Back! I've made a few mistakes but have been able to correct them right away.
The Great Outdoors

The long shadows of winter give our world a definite feel and look.

This might be a woodpecker. I had to blow the picture up quite a bit. He was definitely looking for bugs but I was never sure he actually "pecked".

Hi Maddy!