Turning 3, Dora and Diamond Patches
My little Esther turns 3 tomorrow. Today I'll make a Dora cake to go with the Dora Pinata we made this past week. What fun! Esther helped a little bit with the messy newspaper strips and then pasting the pretty tissue squares on the balloon. She isn't awake yet and hasn't seen Dora in the basket. Dora's removable, I think it's going to be traumatic enough for Esther to have the Pinata broken apart, let alone have Dora in the basket while little kids are taking turns whacking it with a bat.
Knitting news:
I have been working on the DP. Slowly up and up. I have one more patch for this row. Then I'll decide if I want (and have) enough yarn to do another before the armhole and neckline row.