Maybe, Maybe Not!
This is actually a toque I'm making to match my FLAK. That sounds funny. Toque, FLAK. If you're wondering what the FLAK is, click on the wonderful FLAK button to the left. The button was made by Cindy of
Knitting Park. I'm glad we have some time in between installments of the FLAK. I've decided when we watch Lost and 24 I'll work on my Husband's sweater. Except for those times I'll be knitting for myself. Except, I resolve to complete a gift a month.
Now to the dreaded Poncho as the drama unfolds: This morning a friend came over and she asked to see the poncho before she left. I put it on and every so often she would say, "Yes, You have to do something about it." Or, "It is comfortable isn't it?". So even as I type it is in the washer with royal blue and black Rit Dye which is supposed to be charcoal grey. I've used as little agitation as I think possible. I used way more dye than called for. I've added several pots of boiling water to keep the dye bath above 140 deg. Before I started the process I turned the water heater up to the highest setting and waited 'til it turned off. It's been over an hour. I'm going to go run the rinse (drain and fill with warm, then drain and fill with cold several times. I've read to bring the temperature down slowly. UGH! I feel like I'm going to be sick. I'll save this as draft 'til I get back.
I'm Back! The funny thing is the lines are not as noticeable to me in person as it is on this picture, but I can see faint lines outside, not in direct sun but in bright light. I'll report back when it is completely dry. I think it won't be perfect but it will be wearable and I like the color. I'll see if anyone else notices the lines. If it is dry, I'll wear it tomorrow. I'm SO glad this isn't a garment that would be washed a lot! I think that is the only thing that made dyeing an option. Thanks to everyone who made it this far with me through this crazy project! And thanks for the kind words! Yeah, I think I can put it on my finished projects page. I keep wondering if I should bring it inside. There are birds out there! I'd hate for you to see a picture of it with a big splat in the middle of it! ;-).