Contest Winner!
Lisa at Slip Knot Pixie is the winner! Esther was asleep so it was just me pulling the names out of a hat. I did get some good ideas and decided to go with a revolving kitchen tool caddy. The needles are rubber banded together with different color rubberbands (color coded for now). Eventually I am going to make a hanging holder. I thought of just getting the Double Point solution But I'm not 100% sure it will hold 12" DPs. If I find out it will work, I'll get it, if not I'll make one. If anyone has one of these, let me know if you think 12" DPs will fit in it.
Okay, I have to admit, Blogger comments confuse me as far as proper ettiquette. If the persons blogger ID is the same as one they use elsewhere but they don't have much info on blogger sometimes, I can figure out who it is and how to email them a response. If not, then I feel rude not answering. So if you ever think you should have received an answer from me but didn't it's either because I got sidetracked (most likely to do with a 3 year old) or I couldn't figure out how to send a reply. Either way, feel free to let me know I didn't get back to you. There may be some really obvious answer that I haven't stumbled on, if so I apologize.
Okay, I have to admit, Blogger comments confuse me as far as proper ettiquette. If the persons blogger ID is the same as one they use elsewhere but they don't have much info on blogger sometimes, I can figure out who it is and how to email them a response. If not, then I feel rude not answering. So if you ever think you should have received an answer from me but didn't it's either because I got sidetracked (most likely to do with a 3 year old) or I couldn't figure out how to send a reply. Either way, feel free to let me know I didn't get back to you. There may be some really obvious answer that I haven't stumbled on, if so I apologize.