Knitting, Dogs and More: 06/26/2005 - 07/03/2005

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

There goes the neighborhood....

There are some ladies living a little to close that fit a certain stereotype. Oh, you probably know a few. They are pretty aggressive and fast. They are single and for good reason, the term "maneater" comes to mind. Unfortunately they like to stay close to home and have decided our backyard is as good a home as any. So I really had to set some boundries with one of them.

She was hanging out on the strawberry pot right next to some ripe berries. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK! Okay, now I have her in a glass jar and have convinced Esther she's not a ladybug but something to respect. I don't want her to be afraid but want her to know that she can hurt you if she and her kind are frightened. Now what do I do with her?
So I have a lot of dangerous (well at least creepy)work ahead. I’ve read on the Internet that the best way to get rid of them is keep removing the webs and destroying the egg sacks. They’ve been a problem off and on since we moved in. There was an old wood deck and a lot of brush cover for them. We’ve removed a lot of it. Before I moved here I had never seen black widow before and now there just seem to be so many! More than one black widow spider is Many, TOO Many!

Okay, here is a picture of one of the stitch markers Leah at Knittin Pretty sent me. It's a before and after that shows the plain red ring I was using and one of the pretty green ones she sent. Thank you Leah! She also gave me chocolate kisses, but there aren't any left for the picture (hee hee!)

 Posted by Hello

Monday, June 27, 2005

Our Weekend!

On Saturday we had a garage sale. It was slower than we would have liked. A lot of people had garage sales due to a promotion in our town. The funny thing is this was also the same weekend the fair opens. We are less than a mile away so get a great view of the opening day firworks.

Sunday we returned books to the library and I remembered my camera to get pictures of Esther with her "friends". They have two statues of children reading right outside and she always wants to sit and visit with them. This series of photos really looks like she's listening to the girl read.

 Posted by Hello

I did work on the Diamond Patch and I'm up to 5 diamonds. Not a great progress picture yet, but I'll post another pictures soon. I'm so anxious to get some of the many projects I have going done!

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    Family Circle 8/23/77

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